

search parameters

searches from scratchdb use a pretty neat format.

each requirement is in the format +requirement:"value", if you don't include a requirement it's assumed you mean content

prefix a requirement with + to require it to be true, - to require it to be false and ~ if it should be true, but is not required

Requirement What it does
username requires that the resulting posts be by a certain user
category requires that the resulting posts be in a category (this does not have to be complete, +category:"Advanced" will match Advanced Topics)
topic requires that the resulting posts be from a topic with the id
title requires that the resulting posts be from a topic with a topic title (this does not have to be complete, +title:"help" will match anything with help in the title.)
id requires that the resulting post has an id
content requires that the resulting posts have this in their content
closed specifies whether the containing topics are closed. use "1" to only get posts in topics that are closed, and "0" to get posts only in topics that are open
status requires the poster to be a member of the matching group (for example, +status:"Scratch Team" returns only posts from the scratch team)


/user/:username will show posts by the user

/topic/:topic will show posts in a topic by id

/post/:post will show a single post by id


did you know: ocular was originally called "Jeffalo Post Viewer"